Are You a “Check-the-Box-Christian”?
In these challenging overscheduled times it can be difficult to make time for Christ and our spiritual growth. Maybe you made it to church and Sunday school on time and even got your hubby there in a tie. Possibly, you attended your committee meeting and you were able to advance a new program for youth. Somehow, you were able to find time in the morning to pray for your mission group or folks in your bible study. You convinced the kids to get to youth group. You opened your bible and it is not even Sunday. Good for you. Check the box.
I would, however, venture to think that our God wants us to color outside the lines a little. If he wanted us to just check the boxes of our faith he would have spared us those things like: tears, joy, passion, courage, love and those butterflies we get in our gut, if we are lucky from time to time. Surely you are not a check-the-box sports fan, seeking to watch games that have already been won. No, you love the joy of sport and like a good competitive contest of skill and endurance. Do you seek out average movies and concerts or hope the next $8 or $80 you spend you will see something special? Do you add those extra calories on a dessert that is just ok?
Yes, our time is valuable and the 1-2 hours you have this week is what is there to meet your personal-church-stuff-quota. If it is then I would suggest you make it worth your time.
- Help someone out of the car this Sunday. Better yet help them into the car and give them a ride to church.
- Pour an extra cup of coffee for a new friend.
- Stand up for another person in need and seek a new way to serve them.
- Tell a friend you love them and they make a difference, and skip the handshake and give them a hug.
- Skip the routine prayer at dinner and instead, that night, fall to your knees, for a true minute of thanks and praise.
It is quite possible that if you try to make your time with Christ “worth it”, then I think you will find how your other priorities will better fall into their rightful place. Try leading with your heart, rather than your calendar. Do something selfless that is not on your checklist and does not fit into your neat little Christian routine.
Some of those new things you are moved to try to grow your faith will take root and provide new fruit in your life. You may even find yourself coloring outside the box of your faith and you just might experience the adventure of life, the life He planned for you.
- Elder Andy Travers