In a school choir, we sang a song called “Credo”. Part of the song goes like this, “I am fearfully and wondrously made. And for this I offer praise to the one who gives me life and breath to sing”. A credo is like a profession of faith. Giving praise to God, and thanking him for the gifts he has given us, is part of my credo.
I believe in God’s love for me, and that he made the world for me to enjoy. I believe that God gave Jesus Christ, his only son, for us, to save us from our sins. These are just a few of the gifts I give thanks for. God made each of us individually in his own image. Psalm 139: 14 says,” I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This is part of the song, “Credo” and this part of scripture means a lot to me.
I feel closer to God and Jesus when I pray. People pray in many different ways, and in many different positions, but they all have the same meaning. I feel I am a devoted Christian, and devoted to the church. I want this devotion to grow and continue throughout my life. Making prayer a habit in my life is what I strive for.
Jesus went up to two fishermen and said,” Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” So they dropped all they were doing and followed him, even though they did not know who he was. I think that this takes a lot of faith, and I want my faith to be like that as well. I want God and Jesus to be able to depend on me, and have faith in me, as I do in them.
“Who am I? Who shall I become? Who am I to dare to dream that I may be the one? Who will change the world? Who will make a difference? Who will reach beyond the stars? Who am I? I am imagination, I am creativity. I am determination, I am every possibility. I am the present, I am the future, I have so much to give to the world, I am love, I am hope, I am a servant, I am peace. I am a voice that’s singing, singing of beauty and light. I am brightly shining a star that illumines the night, I am the voice of the future, I am a gift to the world, I am love, I am hope, I am servant, I am peace. I am fearfully and wondrously made, and for this I offer praise to the one who gives me life and breath to sing”.
These are the lyrics to the song, “Credo” they are very meaningful to me. We thank God for beautiful music, because it is like a preview of heaven, where the glory of God will live forever and where praise for him will never end.
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