Monday, April 2, 2012


JOHN 12:1-11

“ ‘You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.’ “  John 12:8  NRSV

On the eve of his entry into Jerusalem, Jesus shared a meal with his close friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. We can imagine the feelings of love these three friends experienced as they sat with him, for Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead.. Mary’s impetuous deed, anointing Jesus’ feet with her expensive perfume, expressed her utmost love for her Lord. Judas perceived her act as wasteful. (Although John questions his motive!)

Jesus understood Mary’s need to express her love. And he knew the days of his earthly  sojourn were nearing an end.
Today we cannot demonstrate our love for Jesus in person as Mary did that evening. He no longer walks this earth as one of us. So how can we reveal our love? We can sing hymns of praise and adoration with gusto, paying close attention to the words, seeing our Lord in our mind’s eye as we sing. We can focus on the pastor’s words in prayers and sermons, letting them penetrate our hearts as we worship. We can speak to him when we rise each morning and when we close our eyes at night.

He said, “You will always have the poor with you.” And he also said, “Just as you did it unto one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25:40b) The field is open for showing our love, through worship and through work.

Dear Lord who loves us beyond our wildest dreams, help us to show our love for you as we worship and work in your name. Amen

~ Mary Jo Shannon

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