Saturday, March 2, 2013

Challenging God

John 7:1–13

Challenging God

So his brothers said to him, Leave here and go to Judea so that your disciples also may see the works you are doing; for no one who wants to be widely known acts in secret.’”  (NRSV)

Oh how like little children we are—so limited, so immature, and so self-centered.  We insist on things going our way, on our timeline.  Why is it so difficult for us to wait for things to be revealed to us by God, in His time.  To be patient, silent, faithful.  For God is at work in our lives, but still we stamp our feet and demand proof!  “Show yourself!” we shout.  We want to “SEE the works you are doing”!  We cannot understand how God does not want fame and recognition as we define and glorify them and why he won’t cooperate with our demands.

We challenge God for our own gain, rather than trusting that God will reveal Himself and His plan for us in His own time and way.

We should know this by now.  For look how he came into the world, in Jesus—counter to everything one would expect from the Messiah.  Yet we continue to buck what our faith requires from us, instead preferring immediate gratification.  Perhaps this Lenten season is the time to renew our effort to trust God, to be faithful and not doubtful that He is at work and His plan is being worked our through our lives.

Gracious God, may we worship and glorify you this Easter season and put away the childish ways we tend toward, in challenging you to reveal yourself on our terms.  Forgive us for our limitations and strengthen our faith.  Help us to wait, to wait on you, Lord.  Amen.

Anne Travers

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