Mark 8:11-12
It’s Not the Miracles
Jesus is frustrated - both the Pharisees and the Disciples continue to seek miracles upon which they might base their belief in him.
He knows that while such wonders allow the people to encounter the unfathomable power of God, they also have a way of becoming the thing itself. He understands our predisposition to get so caught up in the "brightly lit" sideshow that we never make it through the main gate where the far greater miracle of God's salvation is going on.
Jesus wants us to know that it's not about the miracles and was never meant to be. It's about the loving God to whom they point - the God that asks us to also show unconditional love in the every moment of the everyday: bringing a fitting word to someone truly in need of it - taking the time to listen well to a story you really don't find so interesting - skipping the party so you can spend time with someone who is simply down on their luck.
Giving one's life away slowly for another - that's what we're doing if we're living as Jesus taught us.
Heavenly Father, Help us see through the wonders you so graciously give to the far greater Glory of your love given in Jesus - in who's name we pray, Amen.
Stuart Revercomb
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