Friday, March 9, 2012


MARK 4:35-41

"He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”  Mark 4: 39 NIV

On Monday mornings, I meet with several wonderful women for Bible study. We arrive and sit or stand in the kitchen and chat for anywhere from ten  minutes to half an hour depending on what is going on in each other’s life. After fixing a cup of coffee or hot tea, we go to the living room and settle into our lesson.

Our Bible study usually lasts for around 45 minutes, and while we are studying oftentimes something will remind us of an event or a memory that deeply affected or is affecting our lives and we talk about it. Listening to one another and giving encouragement helps us to process the feelings we have and it is very comforting. But NOTHING comforts and quiets our hearts like our prayer time at the end of our study.

While we are praying, the “wind in our lives” is stilled because the presence of our God is an amazing thing; a still, comforting refreshment that ONLY comes from God’s presence and from his overwhelming love for us. Many times tears will flow and hands squeeze tighter. Then, after our “Amen,” we look at each other in amazement at how fortunate we are to have each other and to have such a loving heavenly Father.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your calming presence in our lives when our storms are too much for us to handle. Thank you for your love and the peace that passes all understanding. Amen

~Carolyn Hornick

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