MARK 10:32-45
“ ‘...whoever wants to become
great among you must be your For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ ” Mark
When Jesus said these words to the Disciples He was answering their
request to be awarded the highest places of honor. Jesus knew how they were to
find such glory. And you can guess, He knew that it would be nothing like they
imagined. For such glory is not status or fame or even goodness.
The Glory is Love, a place of honor is knowing what it is to love with
at least a fraction of God’s Love. But not just the easy love, not the love
that is always returned or romantic love or love that comes naturally like the
love of a mother for her child.
Jesus is speaking of the love that serves. He never speaks of any
practical returns off of this love. He says you must be a slave to ALL. That
does not sound fun! Maybe the Disciples puzzle at this point - “Ok I will do
this and maybe something good will come to me.” Well something good does come because
the “pay off” is what it always has been and always will be - to have a glimpse into the nature of God and
truly see others through God’s eyes.
When we find ourselves loving others with no regard to ourselves we have
found God’s heart and nothing is greater than His Heart.
~ Leigh Sackett
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