MARK 2:13-22
“And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and
sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh
with publicans and sinners?’ ” Mark 2: 16 (KJV)
Eating with publicans and sinners was not “politically” correct at the
time. “These people” were considered unclean, reproachable; and Jesus was not
behaving as they thought the Messiah should.
This story brings to mind a controversy involving the Roanoke Farmers’
Market area some time ago. Homeless people, frequently referred to as “bums”,
would spend time on the public benches. Some folks were offended to share the
benches with smelly, dirty people. The solution was to take out the benches, so
no one had places to sit. More than a little self-righteously, I thought how
selfish and mean. Ah, the comfort of moral certainty.
Sometime later, a very wealthy person made a remark about the level of
giving to non-profits. Those who donated nominal (by this person’s standards)
amounts were relegated to the ranks of “low-hanging” fruit. Well…I fell into
that group, and I was greatly offended.
As I reflected on these two perspectives and Jesus’ response, “…I came
not to call the righteous, but sinners,” it reinforced for me how meaningless
our “classifications” are. Yup! You, me, the “bums”, the “snobs”, and all the
other unwashed are cleansed only through God’s grace, and saved through Jesus’
sacrifice for us through the world’s greatest miracle – our Savior’s
THANK YOU, GOD! for your unwavering, unfathomable love for each and
every one of us. Help me “get” that, and live my life in response to it – to
your glory. Amen
~ Judy Hensley
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