Monday, January 30, 2012

Rob & Andy Travel to Haiti

On Sunday, February 5th, Deacon Rob Crittenden and Elder Andy Travers will be commissioned in worship to be God's hands and feet and RCPC's emissaries of love while serving our sisters and brothers in Christ in Haiti.  We offer them our prayers, support and encouragement.

They are joining with another church team, and they ask for us to pray for them a specific way each day.  These prayer requests will be posted here daily.

Here is a note from Rob about the trip:
Andy and I have a fairly extensive to-do list for our trip in a week.  RCPC tasks will be doing site water testing in preparation for the new water filtration plant at the Allison School for which we have received funding.  That will include doing on-site testing, plus we'll need to take water samples back with us to have tested in a lab here to see if we have metals issues.  Also, we'll need to determine where the concrete building (that houses the unit) will sit, and we'll determine what water source we will be using and the distance the water will travel, as we'll need to buy piping for it.  And we'll need to determine who our two (one hour per day) employees will be.

Ultimately, the Allison School Mission Group will be tasked with putting together a group of people who would be willing to be trained and to travel to assemble a water plant.  This will require travel to Alabama for training, and then to Haiti for the installation.  Since we're going to be installing a water plant at the Bellevue school also (near Larevoir), it would make sense for the group to do both.

Look below for our current to-do list while our group of eight are in Haiti week after next.



Important “Must Do” Items:
  1. Go to Cherident, see Pere Desire, visit briefly, see metal Guest House
  2. Go to Twen/Tourin, see metal buliding & maybe Hospital
  3. Spend time with Pere Vil, get to know all about him & his work in Ascension Parish.
  4. Go to visit to Larevoir and Bellevue schools.  Do water filtration plant site and source selection.    Do test kit water testing, but also take small bottles back to the US to test for metals.  At Larevoir, talk to the principal about needs that the sponsoring church can provide.  At Bellevue, also site selection for a new school, unless the temporary structure is best left as a permanent one. 
  5. On either February 9th or 10th, go to La Valle to meet Myriam Narcisse with Fonkoze Bank.
  6. Interview & photograph several school child families – visit homes if possible – Pere Vil to let us know if this is possible.  We don’t want to bother families, but really need some photos & stories to bring back to our churches to help raise money.
  7. Check water system at Bainet – apparent loss of water source – what needs to be done? – Does Valdes need to see system????
  8. Evaluate  Administration building site at Bainet – site apparently with significant slope.
  9. Check state of 6 or 8 most needy schools selected by Pere Vil  – decide how to best help with those schools.
  10. Assess need for new clean water stations in Ascension Parish.
  11. Do a solar needs assessment of certain water systems currently in operation – Pere Vil or Ancy can advise which ones to check?
  12. Assess need for Medical/Dental clinics in Ascension Parish – are clinics already in place? – can HEF kids get dental & medical care??

2012 Lenten Devotional Book

The 2012 Lenten Devotional Book will be available for pickup in the Gathering Area this month.  These forty devotions are compiled from members of this church, and the book is prepared and provided by the RCPC Writers Guild mission Group.

Not so good with keeping up with a hard copy of the devotional book?  Then subscribe to our new RCPC Blog!  A “blog” (short for “web log”) is an online journaling tool used by many writers and commentators.  Users have the opportunity to subscribe to the blog, and whenever it is updated a message is sent to all subscribers.  The Writers Guild offers this blog as another resource for members to journey through the Lenten season.

To “Follow By Email” by entering your email address.  You will be sent a devotional email each day and each time thereafter the blog is updated.

We pray your Lenten journey brings you a sense of peace and understanding of God's grace.