Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are You a “Check-the-Box-Christian”?

Are You a “Check-the-Box-Christian”?

In these challenging overscheduled times it can be difficult to make time for Christ and our spiritual growth.  Maybe you made it to church and Sunday school on time and even got your hubby there in a tie.  Possibly, you attended your committee meeting and you were able to advance a new program for youth.  Somehow, you were able to find time in the morning to pray for your mission group or folks in your bible study.  You convinced the kids to get to youth group.  You opened your bible and it is not even Sunday.  Good for you.  Check the box.

I would, however, venture to think that our God wants us to color outside the lines a little.  If he wanted us to just check the boxes of our faith he would have spared us those things like:  tears, joy, passion, courage, love and those butterflies we get in our gut, if we are lucky from time to time.  Surely you are not a check-the-box sports fan, seeking to watch games that have already been won.  No, you love the joy of sport and like a good competitive contest of skill and endurance.  Do you seek out average movies and concerts or hope the next $8 or $80 you spend you will see something special?  Do you add those extra calories on a dessert that is just ok?

Yes, our time is valuable and the 1-2 hours you have this week is what is there to meet your personal-church-stuff-quota.  If it is then I would suggest you make it worth your time.

  • Help someone out of the car this Sunday.  Better yet help them into the car and give them a ride to church. 
  • Pour an extra cup of coffee for a new friend. 
  • Stand up for another person in need and seek a new way to serve them. 
  • Tell a friend you love them and they make a difference, and skip the handshake and give them a hug.  
  • Skip the routine prayer at dinner and instead, that night, fall to your knees, for a true minute of thanks and praise.  

It is quite possible that if you try to make your time with Christ “worth it”, then I think you will find how your other priorities will better fall into their rightful place.  Try leading with your heart, rather than your calendar.  Do something selfless that is not on your checklist and does not fit into your neat little Christian routine.

Some of those new things you are moved to try to grow your faith will take root and provide new fruit in your life.  You may even find yourself coloring outside the box of your faith and you just might experience the adventure of life, the life He planned for you.    

- Elder Andy Travers

Tuesday, April 24, 2012



“Oh send out your light and your truth;
  let them lead me…” Ps. 43:3a

O Lord,
Ignite my soul with your love,
Then launch me into the darkness.
Keep me afloat.
When I drift away on my own
Blow me gently back on course,
Until my feeble flame unites
With others like my own.
Then in the darkness
One light will shine
And here on the water,
Infinite reflections
Dance with joy!
Lord, keep me aflame!

(This poem was written after a communion service at The Synod of the Virginias Conference, 1977, at Massanetta Springs, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Attendees launched burning candles on the lake, symbolizing the Light going out into the world.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mental Health America Roanoke Valley (MHARV)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

The Board of Deacons has again this year approved mission work in support of the Mental Health America Roanoke Valley (MHARV).  The MHARV with the volunteer help of therapists, nurses and psychiatrists provide free psychiatry, counseling and pharmacy services to the working and non-working poor without health insurance.  The beneficiaries of these services are carefully screened to ensure eligibility and are asked to diligently participate and comply with their treatment.

1.  The MHARV runs a free mental health clinic for adults, provides advocacy for mental illness and runs support programs for children and adults impacted by mental illness.
2.  Mental illness is real, common and treatable.  It does not discriminate and impacts children and adults across all races and both genders.
3.  The MHARV holds an annual Walk for Mental Health (our 8th annual walk this year will be held on Tuesday May 15th at 6:00 pm) as our major fundraiser to enable us to continue providing the local free clinic and children’s programs.
4.  Our goal is to raise $56,000 to support these services.
5.  For every $1 we receive, we deliver $5 in care

There are three ways that RCPC members can be involved in our annual walk.  First, if you would like to join us in the walk, please see any of us and we will give you details (RCPC members Andy Agee, Chris Bryant Hugh Wellons and I all serve on the board of MHARV).  Second, please pray for the success of this walk and the many recipients of these services.  Lastly, if you feel lead to support this walk with a tax deductible donation, please make your check to MHARV and pass onto any of the members above or mail to: 2850 Fairway Forest Circle., Salem, VA, 24153.

Please contact me if I can answer any questions about this cause.

Yours in Christ,
Mark Derbyshire

Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Like disciples on the road to Emmaus,
we discuss the Scriptures
with limited understanding.
But you, unseen among us,
guide us to see the Truth.
As we break bread
at your table
we see you --
of your

--Mary Jo Shannon

Thursday, April 12, 2012

MANNAthon Challenge: RCPC vs Salem PC

MANNAthon Challenge – Saturday, May 12 @ 9 am, Fallon Park
3 mile walk, 5K and 8K run

Last year over 400 people joined for the first ever MANNAthon to benefit Manna Ministries. Manna serves the working poor of Roanoke Valley. Each month over 1,000 families wait in lines that wrap around the building to receive a box of food. In addition to food boxes, the families at Manna are offered clothing, toys/books, toiletry items and snacks along with acceptance and love from over 60 volunteers.  Our church has entered into a friendly competition with Salem Presbyterian Church to see which church can enter the largest team of church member, and who has the fastest male and female in the 5K.
  • Watch the promotional video here:  CLICK HERE
  • Join the RCPC team by:
  • Email: Pastor Josh (
  • Text:  “I’m in!” plus your name to 540-491-8001
  • Register for the race here:  CLICK HERE

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Josh Robinson - Statement of Faith

I believe in God who is the creator of heaven and earth.  God crafted us in God’s image to glorify and enjoy God forever.  I belong to God and will never lose God’s love even when my choice is to turn away and reject God.  I am sinner.  I defame what God has declared good, but I believe God is full of grace and mercy. When I think about God’s almighty nature, I am so overwhelmed by God’s power, that I get only a glimpse and long for more.  I can barely grasp the power of a God who saved me from death for abundant life.  I believe in God who is beyond my understanding, and who has been intimately revealed and made known to me in Jesus Christ.

I believe in Jesus Christ.  For our sake, God became flesh and encountered all of the human experience.  Jesus lived a life without sin so that our God would be made known.  Jesus offers us this perfection in a way that we are made whole.  Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice was to atone for the sins of humankind because we are unable to achieve this perfection.  For our salvation, Jesus died on the cross, and his sacrifice bridged the gap between us and God.  Christ descended into hell to demonstrate that there isn’t any place, thing or action that God will not do for our sake; Christ resurrected after three days to demonstrate God’s power over sin and death; and he ascended into heaven to demonstrate that Jesus Christ reigns victorious as our Lord and Savior.  In scripture, we learn that Jesus is the only way to be in union with God.  In Christ, we are promised eternal life.  We proclaim Christ’s name until he comes again ushering in a new age in God’s eternal kingdom.

I believe in the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gives us strength to repent from our sins and equips us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit supports us in overcoming our sinful nature and sets us afire to proclaim the good news of the Gospel and Christ’s saving grace.  In our weakness, the Holy Spirit intercedes to help us overcome adversity.  We come to learn the truth of God’s message in the scriptures through the Holy Spirit who aided in their development.

I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.  The Holy Spirit calls people into community to worship God.  The Church actively seeks to be a voice for justice, to love the act of loving the poor and oppressed, and to do all things humbly in the name of Jesus Christ.  The Church is not an institution or a building on Main street, but rather the collective body of Christ coming together to give glory to God through worship, prayer, and service to others.  We are called to live in response to God’s grace and to celebrate the promise of eternal life.

In worship, we are united together as one body of Christ to sing praise, pray for others and offer thanksgiving, publicly commit our lives to following Christ, experience the living Word through the reading of scripture and its exposition through sermon, and partake in the Sacraments.  The Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist serve as a visible sign of the God’s presence and action in the world.  Baptism demonstrates the death of our separation from God and the birth of our new life in Christ and incorporates us into the body of Christ.  Eucharist reminds us of the Covenant of Grace we received, and we nourished and sustained to live our lives in service to Christ in the world.  At the table, we are reconciled with God and others, renewed in the presence of Christ, and sustained by the Holy Spirit to live a life that reflects God’s great and wondrous work.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Susan Kessler - Statement of Faith

I believe in God the creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in it.   I belong to God and God knows me and loves me though I am a sinner.  I fall short of what God desires of me and for me, but I know that through God’s grace I am forgiven and loved.  God’s grace and love is never ending. God loved us so much that Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins and that we would have eternal life with him.

I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s son and my Lord and Savior.  God reveled himself to us through his son.  Jesus was truly human and although he was sinless bore our sins so that we might know the reality of God’s love and how we are to love one another. Jesus became our bridge to right our relationship with God. God raised Jesus from the dead to show that his love is more powerful than evil.  Jesus was an amazing teacher and showed us over and over again how much God loves us, and how we are to share that love with others.  Jesus lived a life of compassion and forgiveness.

I believe in the Holy Spirit send by Jesus to be with us, guiding us and calling us to serve God.  The Holy Spirit empowers us to be bold for Jesus and to testify to his love through our actions and words.  I believe that the Bible is an inspired Book and the Holy Spirit worked through those who wrote the Bible.  The Bible is our love letter from God as he yearns to be in relationship with us.  I choose to follow a God who loves me unconditionally and provides an advocate through the Spirit to give me strength to be his follower when I fall short, deny, or stumble.  The Spirit reminds me of God’s grace and forgiveness.

I believe God made us to be in community with one another and that we are called to be his hands and feet.  I believe that we are all gifted to serve our Lord and we should share these gifts in as many ways as we can.  Jesus Christ is the head of the church and it is in this community that we worship, serve, and study.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am to bear witness to God’s love for the world by living a life that professes the love Jesus Christ taught us.



Mark 10: 46—52

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
My frantic cry pierced the noisy chatter of the curious
Who crowded the narrow streets of Jericho,
Gathered to see this wandering prophet
on his way to the Holy City.
Tales of his mighty works preceded him –
Perhaps, if they were lucky, they could watch him cast out demons,
Or listen to one of the strange stories he was said to tell.

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” I cried again.
“Shut up, beggar!” someone shouted.
 “How can we hear with your continual banter?”
Undaunted, I shouted even more loudly,
“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

My eyes were blind, but my hearing was acute.
From far distant I heard compelling words,
In a voice like none other I had ever heard:
 “Call him.”
The tone of the crowd changed.
“Take heart,” someone said. “He’s calling for you.”
“Move aside; let the man pass!” a loud voice cried.
 I heard the rustle of movement as the crowd parted,
forming a path to the Master.
I tossed off my mantle to move more quickly,
spread my arms wide,
feeling my way to this itinerant preacher –
this Son of David, my only hope.

“What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.

I thought of years sitting by the roadside,
Begging for coins …food…  sustenance,
Dependent… humiliated… scorned …

I used to earn my living, working long hours in the heat of the day,
Planting … harvesting … threshing grain for my daily bread.
Then came the accident.
My life turned upside-down.
What did I want Him to do for me? Only one thing:
“Master, let me receive my sight!”

“Go your way;” he replied, “your faith has made you well.”
Suddenly the darkness was lifted.
I looked into his loving eyes.
Go my way?
“My way is your way, Lord,” I whispered.

I followed him to Jerusalem.
I watched as the crowd hailed him “King.”
My heart swelled with hope and pride.

I watched as they cried, “Crucify him!”
I felt despair.
I watched from afar as they nailed him to the cross,
Carried his broken body to the grave.
I wept.
O, that my eyesight had not been restored!
Those awful images imprinted on my mind.

Later, I heard rumors -- 
“God raised him from the dead.”
With five hundred others I stood on a hill.
I saw him with my own eyes –
 with the eyes of faith Jesus gave me!

“Go your way,” he says. 
“Your Way is my way, Lord,” I reply.

                        -- Mary Jo Shannon

Monday, April 9, 2012

Richard Aylor - Faith Statement

Richard Aylor - Faith Statement

I believe that God is the creator of all things and God created humans in God’s own image.  Because of the sinfulness of humans, God gave his only son Jesus Christ, as the ultimate sacrifice so that our sins can be forgiven.

I believe that Jesus is the ultimate role model for Christians.  He was compassionate and humble and lived a life serving others.  I believe that Jesus was both human and divine.  Because he was human, his teachings can relate to us on a personal level.  Even though we can never be perfect like Jesus was, we can always aspire to be like Jesus in every aspect of our lives.

I believe that the Holy Spirit is my guide that continues to keep me on Christ’s path.  Anytime I pull away from Christ and stray from that path, the Holy Spirit pulls me back.  The Holy Spirit makes me realize that without Christ, I am nothing, and with Christ, there are endless possibilities.    

I believe that evil exists in this world in many forms.  We are tempted by evil every day.  In order to resist evil, we must accept that Christ is the light that overcomes the darkness.

Because I am human, I am a sinner.  No matter how much I aspire to become more like Jesus in my everyday life, I will always sin.  I will always be tempted by sin, and because of this, I need God’s grace and forgiveness.  I believe that God is a loving God, and God showed his love for us by sacrificing his only son.  We need God to survive in this world.  We need God for protection from worldly distractions.  I believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all with me in every decision I make.

I believe that, as Christians, we must serve God in everything we do, meaning that we should not just think of God on Sunday, but in every aspect of our lives.  When we think of everything we have as not our own, but God’s, our mindset changes.  We should try and do as Jesus did and humble ourselves by helping others that are less fortunate than us.  I believe that the many blessings we have received are not just for us to keep for ourselves, but to share with others.  By sharing our many gifts, we glorify God and make the world a better place.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lenten Devotional Book: Thank You!

(Thank you for the many, many contributions to the Lenten Devotional Book.  You have made this Lenten season memorable and spiritual.  - Pastors Tupper and Josh)

Members of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church who wrote the meditations for Prepare the Way are listed below. Scripture references for the meditations are the Gospel selections from the Daily Lectionary. We are grateful to Emily Earls for the original art work. ~ Mary Jo Shannon, Editor 
  • Gini Agee
  • Lillian Alexander
  • Richard Aylor
  • John Blanton
  • Joan Bowers
  • Jimmy Butler
  • Lib Carico
  • Linda DeVogt
  • Lori Earls
  • Rachel Erb
  • Glenna Fisher
  • Lisa Goad
  • Judy Hensley
  • Susan Honeycutt
  • Carolyn Hornick
  • Elizabeth Jones
  • Lois Jones
  • Kay Koehler
  • Eric Lawson
  • Sarah Martin
  • Jenny McKinsey
  • Joe McCrobie
  • John Moorefield
  • Louis Newton
  • Stephanie Poe-Thomas
  • Laurie Powell-Ward
  • Jeanne Pritchard
  • Van Renick
  • Stuart Revercomb
  • Kim Richards
  • Wendy Robinson
  • Leigh Sackett
  • Mary Jo Shannon
  • Linda Tartisio
  • Alec Travers
  • Deanne Vance
  • Pat Wade
  • Hannah Ruth Wellons
  • Hugh Wellons
  • Rebecca Wellons

The Raleigh Court Writers’ Guild 
  • Mary Jo Shannon, Convener
  • Jeanne Pritchard, Shepherd
  • Kay Koehler, Publicist
  • Lori Earls, Marie Hodge, Elizabeth Jones, Joe McCrobie, Lynn Mays, Dinah Morris, Stephanie-Poe Thomas, Van Renick, and other writers listed above.


JOHN 19:38-42

“Joseph of Arimethea being a disciple of Jesus besought Pilate ~ and took the body of Jesus.”  John 19:38    KJV

Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus were shy, fearing association with Jesus. His death showed these men to be bold and unashamed to know Him. The same was true of Peter, who denied Him quickly without hesitation prior to the crucifixion.When Jesus departed alive, the Holy Spirit came, and these admirers became bold witnesses to Jesus. He asks us all who believe to bear witness to his life and resurrection.

There was a season of about 22 years between Jesus being my Savior and Jesus being my Lord. What a difference ~ like Joseph before Jesus’ death and after Jesus’ death. Boldness! Peter experienced such boldness that 3000 souls were saved!

What a difference when Jesus is your Savior than when He is truly your Lord. From the age of 10, going to church on Sunday was my main evidence of being a believer. When I surrendered to Him as my Lord, life was different. He placed a call in my life to teach the Bible. My focus as a believer is to teach and explain truth through leading Bible Studies and Christian Counseling, where the word of God is expounded upon for insight and direction.

Once shy ~ now bold. He wants no less from all who believe, like Joseph, Nicodemus and Peter. Our boldness will be a witness to Him who loves, forgives, and offers His Lordship to all.

Dear Father, Thank you that Jesus rose from that borrowed grave to be our mighty King forevermore.  Amen

~ Joan Bowers

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lucy Travers – Faith Statement

I believe in God, the creator of the heavens and the Earth. I believe God is the Alpha and the Omega. He created every person differently. He created me to be a special and unique person. God gave me talents that I can and should use for the good of others and the church. Also, I know that I have flaws and that everyone sins. No one is perfect. I believe that God will forgive me of my sins and give me a fresh start in life. God will always give me a new chance. When, my time is up on this Earth, God is eternal life.

I believe in Jesus Christ son of God the father. I believe that Jesus was sent to this Earth by God as a living example. I believe that God and Jesus are one in the same. I know that I need to try to be like Jesus and follow in his footsteps every day. Jesus has laid down a path and I choose to follow it. I am a disciple of Jesus. I believe that Jesus suffered on the cross and died to save the people from their sins.  I believe that Jesus will reign again and judge the living and the dead. Jesus Christ is the way to eternal life.

I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe that I am a branch on the vine of Jesus and that the Holy Spirit travels through Jesus and into me. The Holy Spirit helps me grow. I live my life as a branch empowered by the Holy Spirit to do God’s work and to bear much fruit. I know that sin strangles me but that the Holy Spirit is there. As long as I continue to grow with the Holy Spirit I can overcome sin and be with Jesus and God. I am a living advocate of the Holy Spirit.

I believe that I am part of the Body of Christ. I was given a special talent and I need to use it for the good of the Church. I am a ligament of the body and if I do not carry out my function the Church will suffer. As an active member of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church,  “I need to be an advocate and help others and not be selfish but be self-less. “I need to seek, serve, and show Christ and I need to get to know God through Christ.”

Lastly, I believe that I am a saint. I am called to belong to Christ and I am holy and sanctified. I am a faithful disciple of God. Even when times are tough and I lose my way I know God will help me through. I stand up and then reach my hand out to help others in their journey. My life is through the Holy Trinity father, son, and Holy Spirit forever.


JOHN 18:1-19:42

“Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, ‘Who is it you want?’ 5 ‘Jesus of Nazareth,’ they replied.  ‘I am he,’ Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6 When Jesus said, ‘I am he,’ they drew back and fell to the ground.  7Again he asked them, ‘Who is it you want?’  And they said, ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’ 8’I told you that I am he,; Jesus answered. ;If you are looking for me, then let these men go.;’ “  New International Version

Could we do it?  Could we survive on one income so my husband could pursue his dream to become a writer?  Would we be able to keep doing things we enjoyed or would we be confined to our house, eating only boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner?  Faced with this monumental decision, we crunched numbers, we talked and took our angst to bed.  After sleepless nights, I realized that we never took our issue directly to God. 

As soon as we did, the answer was clear, He would ensure our true needs would be met.  Why do we always believe that we are in charge and not God?  John shows us that even though we may perceive Jesus to be the victim in his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus was in control of the situation.  He saved his disciples from persecution and controlled the timing of everything involved with the proceedings.  He was in charge then and he is in charge of our lives now.

Dear Lord, thank you for guiding us through our difficult decisions in life when we take the time to truly listen to you. Amen.

~ Linda DeVogt

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Charlie Harris – Faith Statement

My faith and what I believe in has matured over the 13 years of my life.  But, over those years my faith and what I believe in has not only matured but it has expanded and grown into what it is right not.  Hopefully, I will be able to continue down a path of learning and studying the ways of Jesus Christ, and expanding and growing my faith and what I believe in.

I believe that Jesus Christ is our savior and we all owe our life to Jesus Christ who died on the cross for us.  Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and never judged anybody.  He always forgives people for sinning and doing things wrong.  I believe we should be encouraged to live a life as sinless as you possibly can, but it is impossible to live a life as Jesus Christ did.  Although we can never live a sinless life, I believe we should try our hardest to follow Jesus Christ and God.

I believe that the Holy Spirit embraces us and welcomes us with God’s warm love whenever we find ourselves in times of trouble or hardships.  The Holy Spirit energizes me with good and positive thinking about the time ahead, and never leaves my mind clotted up with everyday life.

I believe to turn to the bible for help or reference to guide me through life’s tough and difficult times.  If I feel I need help, I turn to the Holy Bible for the help.  The Holy Bible is a also a book of teachings and lessons God has in place for us to learns and execute.

I believer praying is an outstanding way to show your compassion and commitment to Jesus Christ and God.  I also believe praying is an excellent way to stay in touch with Jesus Christ and the Lord.  Praying is a way of saying that I believe in you and want to have a relationship and a life close to you.  Praying to God is like saying you are above and you are my ruler, my savior and my idol.  I want to be like you and follow the path you expect us to walk.  Praying is all as way of explaining that I love you dear Lord and I want to be close to you in every way I possibly can, no matter what it takes.

That is what I believe and I hope it will continue to grow and expand.


JOHN 13:1-17, 31b-35

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.  I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.  Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”John 13: 15-17 (NIV)

When I lived in Dallas I worked for a school that taught English to adult immigrants of various nationalities and their children. They took risks to come to this country to attain a better life for their families and they were often treated cruelly.  They experienced prejudice every day from people who viewed them as second-class thieves of American jobs and services.  Yet, through it all they were some of the kindest, most generous people I have ever met. By no means of my own doing, I was born in America with all the privileges that citizenship affords but I did nothing to earn this life.   People often judge immigrants harshly for wanting to come to America to try to provide a better life for their children but if the roles were reversed wouldn’t we all do the same? 

Jesus models how we should treat each other with love.  We are all on equal footing in the eyes of God.  It does not matter whether we are billionaires or homeless, senators or dishwashers.  Wouldn’t the world be amazing if, as servants and messengers of God’s love, we all treated one another the way Jesus taught?

Lord, please help me treat everyone as you see them, as beautiful children of God, no greater or less than one another.  Amen.

~ Wendy Robinson

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Charlotte Johnson – Faith Statement

In a school choir, we sang a song called “Credo”. Part of the song goes like this, “I am fearfully and wondrously made. And for this I offer praise to the one who gives me life and breath to sing”. A credo is like a profession of faith. Giving praise to God, and thanking him for the gifts he has given us, is part of my credo.

I believe in God’s love for me, and that he made the world for me to enjoy. I believe that God gave Jesus Christ, his only son, for us, to save us from our sins. These are just a few of the gifts I give thanks for. God made each of us individually in his own image. Psalm 139: 14 says,” I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This is part of the song, “Credo” and this part of scripture means a lot to me.

I feel closer to God and Jesus when I pray. People pray in many different ways, and in many different positions, but they all have the same meaning. I feel I am a devoted Christian, and devoted to the church. I want this devotion to grow and continue throughout my life. Making prayer a habit in my life is what I strive for.

Jesus went up to two fishermen and said,” Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” So they dropped all they were doing and followed him, even though they did not know who he was. I think that this takes a lot of faith, and I want my faith to be like that as well. I want God and Jesus to be able to depend on me, and have faith in me, as I do in them.

 “Who am I? Who shall I become? Who am I to dare to dream that I may be the one? Who will change the world? Who will make a difference? Who will reach beyond the stars? Who am I? I am imagination, I am creativity. I am determination, I am every possibility. I am the present, I am the future, I have so much to give to the world, I am love, I am hope, I am a servant, I am peace. I am a voice that’s singing, singing of beauty and light. I am brightly shining a star that illumines the night, I am the voice of the future, I am a gift to the world, I am love, I am hope, I am servant, I am peace. I am fearfully and wondrously made, and for this I offer praise to the one who gives me life and breath to sing”. 

These are the lyrics to the song, “Credo” they are very meaningful to me. We thank God for beautiful music, because it is like a preview of heaven, where the glory of God will live forever and where praise for him will never end.


JOHN 13:21-32

“After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified,‘Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me . . . ’ Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, ‘Lord, who is it?’                                                                                                                John 13:21, 23

Jesus likely could not have uttered words that were anymore fear-inducing than these. If you're like me, you thank God and your lucky stars that you weren't in that room at that terrifying moment as the words hung in the air, trying to remember if there was something you could have done that might implicate you in some way.

Of course, while Judas committed the specific act of betrayal that Jesus is speaking of, all of us are responsible for his death in our own lives when we too reject God's great gift of himself.  Sometimes we do it in small ways and sometimes in quite large ones, but the simple truth is that our self serving nature tends to rule and we send Christ to the gallows again and again and again.

"Lord, who is it not?" might have been the better question.
It has been said that Judas' great sin was not so much his betrayal of Jesus, as it was his inability to accept his forgiveness. The great lesson for us, of course, is that "there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God" as the apostle Paul would later write. Are there any more comforting words than these?

Gracious God - help us to remember that Thursday's betrayal is always met with Friday's forgiveness and Sunday's eternal promise of New Life in the resurrection - Amen.

~ Stuart Revercomb

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jake Elton – Faith Statement

The statement of my faith has one general aspect that I hope will never change.  I always want to remain a strong person spiritually.  Along with the one most crucial aspect, there are many others and two that stand out the most to me.  I would love to stay close to God and to keep God in my life throughout my entire existence.   I also would like to learn about Jesus and know as much as I can about him and his miracles. Although these two aspects are very important, I still seem to believe that staying spiritual throughout my life is of the most value to me.

Learning about God and staying close to God will bring me a long way.  God is always there for me through my toughest struggles and always seems to veer me in the right direction.  Learning that is one of the most important lessons in the long road of life.  Learning that message keeps my optimism high and my faith in God even higher.  I also believe that God is with everyone and loves everyone equally, but it just may not seem like it because everyone is in a different situation.  But God still loves us all equally.  Everyone should have faith in God through their tough times and stay strong and outlast.

Jesus has taught us all how to become better people.  I’m sure Jesus has faith in us that we will learn how to become better, kinder people.  Learning about him and his miracles give me optimism in miracles and dreams that I have.  Jesus was an amazing human being and an even better teacher.  I want to learn a lot about Jesus.  For me, not only will it teach me how to be the best person I can be, but it’ll raise my faith and bring me closer to God.  

Spirituality, in my opinion, will have the biggest impact on my faith.  If I am outside in nature with God, then that’ll bring me very close to God.  Being in nature and being with what God has created brings me the closest to God.  The beauty of faith is that everyone has a different way of becoming more faithful in God and every single way is respected.  Becoming more faithful in God is going to come from talking with God and being with God for me.  Hearing his calls and responding to them.

That is my statement of faith and how I will continue to grow in faith.


JOHN 12:20-36

“ ‘Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? “Father, save me from this hour?” No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.’ “ NIV: John 12:27

Many years ago, while I sat on the steps outside my second floor apartment, a troubled woman came up the stairs carrying groceries on her way to the third floor. During the two years we lived there, we found the third floor a mysterious revolving door with different occupants weekly. I asked her how she was doing and offered to help. She responded candidly: She was a medical professional suffering from addiction. She felt hopeless – lost. The third floor was housing for rehab. In our brief conversation, which ended with a hug, I told her she’d make it and shared a poignant, painful part of my life.

Why was I on the stairs? How many small and huge decisions led us both to that day?
I believe the Holy Spirit landed me there, Furthermore, without being so naïve as to compare my experience to Jesus’, I believe my pain allowed me to “be there” for this stranger on this rock-bottom day.

When life is the most hard and painful, we deeply desire immediate relief and may cry out to God for help and/or question God as to the reason for our suffering.. However, as time passes and we heal (for which healing we may have lost hope), we may find a great purpose in our pain, our loss, our wound.

The difference is, in this scripture, when Jesus faced his suffering, he was wise and selfless enough to recognize that the pain ultimately had a great purpose, and he accepted it.

Lord, give me strength and comfort to endure the pains that I face so that as time heals me I may someday help others. Amen.

~ John Blanton

Monday, April 2, 2012

Brannen Davilsaint – Faith Statement

I describe my faith as different from anyone else.  It’s described as believing in God, never giving up hope, and always trying my best, that’s what I truly believe in.

I believe in God, I pray to him every night and in church.  I’m thinking about him always and I know he is with me always.  No matter where I am, on a camping trip, in school, ad a five star Chinese restaurant, it won’t matter, he will be there.

I never thought is ever giving up hope.  Hope is what keeps me going.  It moves me in every way.  If there is a problem, I’ll always try and find hope to help me try and find the answer.  No matter what it is, if I have hope, it will always help me end the suffering troubling me.

When I have a difficult time on something, I try my best and try and solve it.  I don’t like failing at stuff but, if I do, I just keep on going until I get it.  If you fail at stuff, just get back on your feet and try again until you get it right.  Determination is what can really drive you to success and people around you, who are there for you, help you too.  Whatever happens don’t look back, just take your two feet and go forward.

All the words on this paper describes my faith and shows how I live my life.  These sentences full of words will guide my to a life of success.  I will have my downs, but I’ll have determination, hope, and the Lord by my side.


JOHN 12:1-11

“ ‘You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.’ “  John 12:8  NRSV

On the eve of his entry into Jerusalem, Jesus shared a meal with his close friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. We can imagine the feelings of love these three friends experienced as they sat with him, for Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead.. Mary’s impetuous deed, anointing Jesus’ feet with her expensive perfume, expressed her utmost love for her Lord. Judas perceived her act as wasteful. (Although John questions his motive!)

Jesus understood Mary’s need to express her love. And he knew the days of his earthly  sojourn were nearing an end.
Today we cannot demonstrate our love for Jesus in person as Mary did that evening. He no longer walks this earth as one of us. So how can we reveal our love? We can sing hymns of praise and adoration with gusto, paying close attention to the words, seeing our Lord in our mind’s eye as we sing. We can focus on the pastor’s words in prayers and sermons, letting them penetrate our hearts as we worship. We can speak to him when we rise each morning and when we close our eyes at night.

He said, “You will always have the poor with you.” And he also said, “Just as you did it unto one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25:40b) The field is open for showing our love, through worship and through work.

Dear Lord who loves us beyond our wildest dreams, help us to show our love for you as we worship and work in your name. Amen

~ Mary Jo Shannon