Thursday, November 29, 2012

Haiti Update

Just a quick Haiti Update from Deacon Rob Crittenden who is in Haiti this week.  He made it there safely on Tuesday and was able to meet with the Episcopal Bishop.  They had a good meeting.  

Rob was able to make it to the mountains and the new guest house in Cheridan, which is good.  Storm Sandy wiped out what were considered many roads in Haiti.

Rob was able to make it to Bainet from Cheridan which after the storm was NOT passable.  Hopefully today he will be able to, or be able to confirm, that the road and river from Bainet to Larevoir (where our Allison school is located), is passable. 

Work, especially in the third would, is 80% about just getting there. 

Cheers - Elder Andy Travers

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Advent Devotional

The Writers Guild is proud to announce the 2012 Advent Devotional will be available on our church “blog” this year.  A “blog” (short for “web log”) is an online journaling tool used by many writers and commentators.

The Writers Guild offers this blog as another resource for members to journey through the Advent season.  To “Follow By Email,” go to: and enter your email address.  You will be sent a devotional email every day throughout the season of Advent, and then each time thereafter the blog is updated.