Wednesday, February 29, 2012


MARK 1:29-45
“Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever…He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them.” Mark 1: 30-31

Yeah, right.  Just what I want to do – jump out of my sick bed and start waiting on my son-in-law and his scraggly, road-crusty crony. 

On the surface this passage appears to be the typical Jewish Mother saga of martyr-ish behavior on the part of Simon’s mother-in-law.  You can just imagine her rushing to the kitchen to fix a big pot of chicken soup then ladling it up into huge bowls declaring “Eat! Eat!” as she laid the table to its groaning point.  And what caring mother would not do the same?  What passionate caregiver does not push past their physical limitations, putting their own discomforts on the back burner to give their all to what they perceive as a greater need?  This woman’s knees were understandably wobbly from being in bed but her heart was full of love and gratitude that overcame her prior ailment.

So who’s the beneficiary here – the giver or the receiver?  I say both.  And both Jesus and Simon’s mother-in-law are givers and receivers.  Jesus gave of his healing and she repaid in kind by being of service.  Both are practicing what is now taught as “the golden rule” – do unto others as you would have done unto you .Ah, this vicious cycle of giving and receiving.      Ain’t it wonderful??

Dear God, grant us the grace to be givers and receivers, and to do it again and again.

~ Lillian Alexander

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


MARK 1:14-28

" ‘The time has come,’ Jesus said. ‘The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!’ " Mark 1:15

Location is usually described in relation to something or somewhere else.  We live near the hospital, we go to school in a small town just outside Atlanta, or our office is only six subway stops away.  Maps provide a more concrete guide to a destination but it's an effort to actually refer to one - refolding them neatly is virtually impossible.  Today the accessibility of GPS technology is changing the way we navigate and provide directions.  We can remove the uncertainty of location by simply typing an address or landmark into one of our many smart devices.   

Even if this technology had been available to the citizens of Galilee when Jesus told them that the kingdom of God was near and that they must repent and believe the good news, I don't think a GPS would have helped them find their way to the kingdom anymore than it can direct us in our faith journeys today.  The good news is that Jesus, the best guide and tour director, showed (and continues to show) us the way. We don't have to wait for the kingdom to become a location with navigational co-ordinates.  Every time each of us demonstrates the love of Christ to another the kingdom comes nearer.

When asked where I live, I still will say "near Roanoke Memorial" and I want to be able to add – "but I'm trying to move closer to the kingdom of God".

Lord, help me to remember your Kingdom is present and near today and guide me to show others the way.

~Gini Agee

Monday, February 27, 2012


MARK 1:1-13

“ ‘My prayer is not for them [the disciples] alone.  I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one.’ “ -- John 17:20-21a [NIV]
Jesus addressed this prayer to the Father just after He had prayed for His disciples and shortly before He was arrested on the eve of His crucifixion.  He expected them to carry the message of the gospel, and the prayer is for those who would believe as a result.  Further, the prayer is for others through the centuries who would believe as the gospel continued to be spread.  Thus it is even for you and me as 21st century Christians. 

The gospel has been spread by the work of the Holy Spirit, of course, using human instruments.  Parents have conveyed the message to their children from one generation to the next.  And the church has taken the message to the world.  The gospel is not to be confined within the walls of the church but is to go out into the world as believers take the message to others.  This work is known as “evangelism,” not necessarily in “tent meetings” but often in various other ways as “repentance and forgiveness of sins [are] preached in [Christ’s] name to all nations.”  [Luke 24:47]

The prayer is also for the unity of all believers, an ideal which has been difficult to attain in the history of the church.  Still, we are to strive to “live in harmony with one another.” [I Peter 3:8]

Father, as the message of the gospel has been given to us, help us to carry the message to others.  In Christ’s name, Amen.  

~Louis Newton

Saturday, February 25, 2012


JOHN 17: 20-26

“John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey.”   Mark 1:6 (NIV)

I just don't understand how Elizabeth and Zachariah could let that boy grow up so wild.  Of course, I'm not sure Zachariah had much to say about it!  And he's nothing up against that cousin of his, that Jesus...well, you don't expect much to come out of Nazareth, but, honestly...keeping company with foreigners and tax collectors and that woman from Magdala!
I can tell you that both of those boys are going to come to a bad end!

Lord, keep us from judging others on the basis of what just may not be the criteria You have in mind.  Keep us open and receptive to all Your children, remembering that EVERY face we see may truly be Your image.  Amen.

~ Kay Koehler

Friday, February 24, 2012


JOHN 17: 9-19

I am asking on their behalf; I am not asking on behalf of the world, but on behalf of those whom you gave me, because they are yours.                                               John 17:9 NRSV

This intimate prayer concludes Jesus’ last meal with his followers before his execution. It is the urgent petition of one who loves them deeply.  At the moment the disciples are feeling confident in their faith, but Jesus knows that their bravado is really ignorance and naiveté. They are in great danger and don’t even realize it.  Their current reality is about to be shattered, and they will be left behind in a hostile world that threatens to scatter them and destroy their fragile faith. 

What is Jesus’ prayer for me?  Do I have an ignorant faith that is untested beyond my own upper room?  Do I live my life like a bird nesting in a tree – oblivious to the chain saw aimed at the trunk?  Followers of Jesus are not meant to spend our days making ourselves comfortable in the world. This is not our place. Our only home is God; we must never build our nest elsewhere.

Lord, it is tempting to stay in my own comfort zone under the warm blanket of complacency.  Let me never feel at home anywhere but in You.   Amen

~ Sarah Martin 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


JOHN 17:1-8

 “…Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son so that the Son may glorify you… John 17:1  (NRSV)

Early Calvinist seminarians were presented with a dilemma.  They are said to have been asked, “Would you be willing to be damned for the glory of God?”  Think about that question for a moment.

Imaginary Seminarian:  “What?  That’s not the way it’s supposed to be, is it?  Aren’t we supposed to be rewarded for faith, for good works, for our glorification of God?”

You can see the value of this hypothetical priority test, making all Christians squirm as we wrestle with what faith is really all about.  Is it about us and the reward we expect to be paid, or is it about God, whom we claim to serve?

The answer lies in the words of a wonderful old hymn, which we still sing today:  Thine is the glory, Risen, conqu'ring Son; Endless is the vict'ry Thou o'er death hast won.”

Gracious God, in this season, as we celebrate the gift and victory of your Son, may we not confuse our priorities.  May we focus not on self, but upon you.  Amen.

~ Eric Lawson

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


LUKE 18: 9-14

 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others....” Luke 18: 9 RSV.
“If you walk around with your nose in the air, you’re going to end up flat on your face, but if you’re content to be simply yourself, you will become more than yourself.” The Message.

Jesus came to teach us how to live each day in this, God’s world, and His words ring as true today as they did two thousand years ago. He told this story to some who were pretty complacent about themselves; He held a spiritual mirror up to them so that they could see exactly what their conduct meant.

Oh, yes....they worshipped, they tithed, they were morally pure, and very proud of it. They were NOT like all those OTHERS...

Confessing the sins of others is pointless. It only makes us feel better about ourselves. We rejoice that we aren’t as bad as they are; in fact, we seem pretty good by comparison. But Jesus doesn’t see us in comparison; he sees each one of us, eye to eye, heart to heart. He knows the sins of our neighbors, and He knows ours. We are only fooling ourselves when we look at others and rejoice that we do not do as they do. Look inside yourself and then honestly face Jesus.

Dear God: Please help us to see ourselves as we are and to seek your love and your guidance in all that we say and do. Amen.       

~ Jeanne Pritchard

Sunday, February 19, 2012


The Lord, speaking through the prophet Isaiah, declares,

“Behold, I send my messenger before thy face who shall prepare the way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Isaiah 40:2)  

Later, in the Wilderness by the Jordan, John the Baptist shows the people how to prepare for the coming of their King: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)

We, too, need to prepare our hearts for the mystery of the death and resurrection of our Lord. The season of Lent provides that opportunity. Meaningful preparation is more than “giving up” some minor luxury. During the forty days (excluding Sundays) that precede Easter, we can intentionally draw nearer to God as we read and meditate on scripture and offer our lives to Him in prayer.  We can examine our lives, discarding those attitudes and activities that lead us away from our God, and acquiring new habits that can help us establish a more meaningful relationship with Him.

Reading these forty brief meditations, prepared by members of our congregation, can assist us as we prepare for Easter. We will walk with Jesus as His ministry unfolds in the Gospel of Mark. We recommend reading the entire Gospel of  Mark in one sitting (it is only sixteen short chapters) before beginning the devotions on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Then each day devote some time to reading and mediating on a passage of scripture and the writer’s reflection on it. May this practice give deeper meaning to the celebration of Easter for each of us.
                                                — Mary Jo Shannon, Editor

Monday, February 13, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 8

The Friends of Haiti Team for February 6 -12 thanks you for your faithfulness and steadfastness in prayer and cherishes being in the Body of Christ with you – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  Philippians 4:6. 

While you may not have physically gone with us to Haiti, in the Lord’s eyes you were serving right alongside us, fighting the spiritual battles in the heavenlies so that our mission could be fruitful and God-honoring.  Thank you for your awesome ministry of prayer.  We may not know the final results of your labor until one day in glory.  But we couldn’t have done it without you.  Thanks again.     
Pastor Louis, Bill, Allen, Matt, Jackie, and Jim and our Virginian friends,
                                       Rob and Andy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 7

Travel Home to the States
Pray for safe travel and wellness for the team as we fight off fatigue on the flight back home.
Pray that all flights run on-schedule, connections are made easily, and all of our luggage arrives home with the team members.
Pray that our work and witness would be lasting in Haiti and bring honor and glory to God.
Pray that team members will embrace the change that God has wrought in our hearts as a result of this mission experience.
That our mission was an encouragement to our national partners and a blessing to the Lord.
Pray for the team as we head back to work in the USA.  Many will be stressed by having to catch up with work and other responsibilities (some by age!)
Pray that we as a team will be able to share what God has done in Haiti with clarity and completeness so that our Lord Jesus will receive all the glory, honor and praise that He deserves.
For the team’s “Returning Home” Bible Studies and for the Lord’s mighty work in our hearts and minds as we realize that we cannot out-give the Giver nor can we do anything without Him.  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 6

Fifth Day of Mission Trip
Pray that God will lead us through the barriers of cross-cultural ministry to find hearts already prepared to receive His Word.
That all team members would be open to the Lord using them as He sees fit.
That team members would step out of their comfort zones in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Pray against Satan and any evil forces that might seek to destroy our ministry.
That team devotions and personal quiet times would draw team members closer to one another and the Lord.
Pray for unity based on biblical truth that transcends culture and personalities.
That team members would be able to think upon and grow from our experiences of the past week and know how to apply them to our daily lives.
Pray for team members’ families, for their safety and provision while their loved ones are away and that they would have a great peace about the mission.
That the love of Jesus would bind us even closer together as we trust and serve Him. 
That God’s Holy Spirit would be felt and be given free rein to rule in our lives and that our work and witness would be a blessing to Jesus.
That we would come away from our cross cultural experience changed, refreshed in the Lord, and with a fresh determination to radiate His love to a lost world.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 5

Fourth Day of Mission Trip
Pray for the wisdom and discernment of the Lord so that we might minister effectively in a cross-cultural setting.
For the health and wellness of the team with the long hours and much less personal and private time than normal.
For our eyes to be opened that we might see our Haitian brothers & sisters just as Jesus saw the multitudes such that our hearts would overflow with His love and compassion.
That team devotions would deepen and enrich the team members’ love for Christ and enhance their desire to trust and serve Him more completely.
Pray that the wonderful bond of Christ’s love would continue to bind our Haitian and American team together.
Pray that team members would all remain healthy and able to serve those with great physical and spiritual needs.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 4

Third Day of Mission Trip
Pray for great fellowship and love between our national partners and the team.
That our continuing visits to Ascension Parish Schools will be joyful and productive as we meet staff and students.
Pray for the team’s family members at home and for their peace and provision.
That all team members will take the opportunity to pray with the Haitians and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
That team members would be sensitive to the spiritual needs of their Haitian brothers & sisters and respond readily to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Pray for our national partners.  Their workday has been longer than usual and the pressure of wanting to do well for us has been upon them.  May we be joined together in love.
That our hosts would be challenged, uplifted, and anointed for the work of the Lord and for transforming their culture according to His perfect plan.
Pray that the team would stay focused on praying for the Haitian people and loving every person as Jesus would.
Pray that the Lord would continue to bless us with traveling mercies through the mountains of rural Haiti as Ancy drives us in the KIA.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 3

Second Day of Mission Trip
That our fellowship meals with our national partners would be most edifying as we build relationships and glorify God for all He’s about to do in our midst
Pray against any discouragement or despair that Satan might attempt to bring into our midst.
Pray that all our relationships and interactions would be characterized by a great spiritual depth and desire to see Christ glorified through our lives.
Pray that we can continue to minister effectively in another culture, responding with grace, patience and good humor.
Pray for our strength and heart to show sacrificial and unconditional love.
That we might sense God’s presence and direction as we step out in faith.
Pray for the health and stamina of team members.
That team members would freely share with one another the lessons God is teaching them so the together as a single unit the team would be edified.
That the Lord would give us the gift of encouragement and exhortation for our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
That team members would get a little glimpse of heaven as believers from different cultural backgrounds join hearts and spirits in praise to King Jesus.

This week we will:
be assessing possible projects with Pere Vil throughout Ascension Parish which is rural, mountainous and very poor, to include: Construction needs for the 19 HEF schools in the Parish, many which were severely damaged or destroyed in the January 2010 earthquake; Medical and dental clinic requirements; Priority water and solar systems; Possible administration building/guesthouse in Bainet like that in Cherident; Microfinance opportunities (support for small Haitian businesses) in Jacmel.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 2

First Day of Mission Trip
That our orientation time would be an educational time, a blessing, and an encouragement to the team.
That the Lord would open our eyes so that we might see through Haiti’s poverty to the beauty of its people, a hopeful future inspired by the children, and the tangible evidence of HEF’s faithful work with help from all of its partners and contributors.
That the Lord would already be preparing hearts to receive the gospel message of His saving grace.
For a wonderful sense of anticipation about the power and the work of the Holy Spirit in our ministry.
That the Lord would develop in each one of us a servant’s heart toward each team member and our national partners and direct our attention to His plan.
That the Lord would give the team rest and recuperation, a joyful spirit, and contentment in Him.
Pray for our interpreter and driver, Ancy, that he might be alert and perceptive as he drives and helps us all along the way.
Pray for the broken hearts of team members as we come in contact with the Haitians and feel their suffering – lives which are broken in body, mind, and spirit. May we be able to give them a cup of cool water and share with them the love of the Mighty Healer, Christ Jesus.

Today we will:
Monday, 2/6, and Tuesday, 2/7:  Team travels to Port-au-Prince, Haiti – Pastor Louis ImsandeBill BridgforthAllen BurlesonMatt JacobsJackie Kossin, and Jim Williams from FPCJC and from Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, VA Andy Travers and Rob Crittenden, a Haiti Education Foundation (HEF) Board Member.  There we meet Ancy fils Amie, our HEF interpreter and driver. We spend Monday night in Cherident and meet with Pere (Father) Fritz Desire, HEF’s Episcopal partner in St. Matthias Parish.  On Tuesday we travel to Bainet in southern Haiti and meet Pere Mardocheʹ Vil, HEF’s partner in Ascension Parish and our host for the rest of the week.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 1

Team Travel Day
Pray that all will make their flights on time, that the weather will be good, and that no one or their baggage will be left behind.
That the team will be of one heart and mind in Christ and bound together by our desire to bring glory and honor to the risen Lord.
That our hearts and minds will be set on things of the Lord and that we will sense His presence, peace, and joy.
That the Lord’s provision for and protection of the team would be clearly evident in our travels.
That as we travel, we might commune with the Lord in a fresh, powerful way and sense His Spirit anew.
Pray that all of our team arrives safely and that all of our luggage arrives with our needed supplies, and that the Lord would allow us safe and uneventful passage through customs.
Pray for our national partners as they complete the final details before our arrival – for everything falling into place as the Lord provides for Pere Vil & Ancy.

Today we will:
Monday, 2/6, and Tuesday, 2/7:  Team travels to Port-au-Prince, Haiti Pastor Louis Imsande, Bill Bridgforth, Allen Burleson, Matt Jacobs, Jackie Kossin, and Jim Williams from FPCJC and from Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, VA Andy Travers and Rob Crittenden, a Haiti Education Foundation (HEF) Board Member.  There we meet Ancy fils Amie, our HEF interpreter and driver. We spend Monday night in Cherident and meet with Pere (Father) Fritz Desire, HEF’s Episcopal partner in St. Matthias Parish.  On Tuesday we travel to Bainet in southern Haiti and meet Pere Mardocheʹ Vil, HEF’s partner in Ascension Parish and our host for the rest of the week.