Saturday, February 11, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide for Haiti Mission Team - Day 6

Fifth Day of Mission Trip
Pray that God will lead us through the barriers of cross-cultural ministry to find hearts already prepared to receive His Word.
That all team members would be open to the Lord using them as He sees fit.
That team members would step out of their comfort zones in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Pray against Satan and any evil forces that might seek to destroy our ministry.
That team devotions and personal quiet times would draw team members closer to one another and the Lord.
Pray for unity based on biblical truth that transcends culture and personalities.
That team members would be able to think upon and grow from our experiences of the past week and know how to apply them to our daily lives.
Pray for team members’ families, for their safety and provision while their loved ones are away and that they would have a great peace about the mission.
That the love of Jesus would bind us even closer together as we trust and serve Him. 
That God’s Holy Spirit would be felt and be given free rein to rule in our lives and that our work and witness would be a blessing to Jesus.
That we would come away from our cross cultural experience changed, refreshed in the Lord, and with a fresh determination to radiate His love to a lost world.

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